Paint masks Russian T-34/76 stencils (model 1943-1944)

Published by Orlee by Daquino Luigi in New product · 29 April 2020
Tags: t34/76Russiantank

Paint masks Russian T-34/76 stencils (model 1943-1944)

Number stencil: 1

T-34/76 Paint masks (Model 1943-1944) Numbers and Insignia in 1:35 scale. Developed for the T34 tank of the Second World War, the product includes a gray vinyl stencil, suitable for use with an airbrush or brush, the product can be reused if used with care. Use the recommendations described on the product.

Reusable: YES/NO

₽ 450.00
€ 6,00
£ 5,00
$ 6,00

The currency value of your currency is only indicative, the real price you pay for the product will be determined upon your purchase by your banker.
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